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Submitted by Guy Vigneault on



Haskell is a statically typed, purely functional programming language with a strong static type system and lazy evaluation. Developed in the late 1980s, Haskell is named after the logician Haskell Curry. It is designed to be elegant, concise, and expressive, with a focus on correctness, modularity, and abstraction. Haskell is based on lambda calculus and incorporates concepts from category theory, making it well-suited for reasoning about programs and proving their correctness.

One of the key features of Haskell is its purely functional programming paradigm, which emphasizes the use of immutable data and side-effect-free functions. This enables developers to write code that is highly modular, composable, and easy to reason about. Haskell also supports higher-order functions, pattern matching, type inference, and algebraic data types, which allow for expressive and concise code.

Haskell's strong static type system helps catch errors at compile time, leading to more robust and reliable code. It supports type classes and type inference, allowing developers to write generic and polymorphic code without sacrificing type safety. Haskell also features a powerful type system with support for parametric polymorphism, higher-kinded types, and type-level programming.

Haskell's lazy evaluation strategy delays the evaluation of expressions until their results are needed, which can lead to more efficient use of resources and better performance in certain situations. However, lazy evaluation can also introduce challenges such as space leaks and unpredictable performance, requiring developers to be mindful of their code's evaluation strategy.

Haskell has a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, including package managers (such as Cabal and Stack), build tools (such as GHC and Hackage), web frameworks (such as Yesod and Snap), and data analysis libraries (such as HMatrix and Pandoc). Additionally, Haskell has an active community of developers who contribute to its development, create libraries and tools, and provide support and resources for learning.


  1. Purely Functional Programming: Haskell's purely functional programming paradigm encourages immutable data and side-effect-free functions, leading to code that is more modular, composable, and easier to reason about. Pure functions are also easier to test and debug, leading to fewer errors and more reliable code.
  2. Strong Static Typing: Haskell's strong static type system helps catch errors at compile time, leading to more robust and reliable code. Type inference reduces the need for explicit type annotations, making Haskell code concise and expressive while still ensuring type safety.
  3. Expressive and Concise Syntax: Haskell's expressive syntax, based on mathematical notation and lambda calculus, allows developers to write elegant and concise code. Features such as pattern matching, higher-order functions, and algebraic data types enable developers to express complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.
  4. Lazy Evaluation: Haskell's lazy evaluation strategy delays the evaluation of expressions until their results are needed, which can lead to more efficient use of resources and better performance in certain situations. Lazy evaluation also enables developers to write code that is more modular and composable, as computations are only performed when necessary.
  5. Powerful Type System: Haskell's powerful type system supports advanced features such as type classes, type inference, parametric polymorphism, and higher-kinded types. This allows developers to write generic and polymorphic code that is highly reusable and type-safe, leading to more maintainable and scalable applications.


  1. Learning Curve: Haskell has a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are new to functional programming or have experience with imperative languages. Concepts such as lazy evaluation, monads, and type classes may be unfamiliar to developers coming from other programming paradigms, requiring time and effort to master.
  2. Performance: While Haskell can be highly performant, achieving optimal performance may require careful optimization and tuning. Lazy evaluation can lead to unpredictable performance and space leaks, while certain language features such as type classes and higher-kinded types may incur runtime overhead.
  3. Tooling and Ecosystem: While Haskell has a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, it may not be as mature or comprehensive as ecosystems for more mainstream languages. Developers may encounter limitations or gaps in available libraries and tools for certain use cases, requiring them to contribute to the ecosystem or build custom solutions.
  4. Debugging: Debugging Haskell code can be challenging, especially for beginners or for code that relies heavily on lazy evaluation or advanced type-level programming. Tools and techniques for debugging Haskell code may not be as mature or widely used as those for more mainstream languages, requiring developers to rely on manual inspection and testing.
  5. Adoption and Industry Support: Haskell has seen limited adoption in industry compared to more mainstream languages such as Java or Python. While Haskell is used in certain domains such as finance, data analysis, and academia, it may not be as widely used or supported by industry as other languages, leading to fewer job opportunities and resources for learning and development.

In summary, Haskell is a powerful and expressive programming language known for its purely functional programming paradigm, strong static typing, lazy evaluation, and powerful type system. It offers advantages such as modular and composable code, type safety, expressiveness, and efficiency. However, developers should consider factors such as the learning curve, performance, tooling and ecosystem, debugging, and adoption when choosing Haskell for their projects.